female character with which you identify: Serena Tsukino
The truth is that I do not identify with any character too, but if I choose one, elegirĂaa definitely it. Because it is a bit silly, studied very little (though I piloting, unlike her and I will maso xD less well), is immature, does not realize half the things that happen around them, is unconditional with their friends and the person who loves and is good for people who are their enemies (which in the RL does not help much).
and character for a long time I identified ... Helga Pataki

For much of my childhood, I came across Helga, I was pretty unpleasant, quarrelsome half and half love the way I quite rare and very intense, but I did not ask the above an altar made with gum, but it was pretty stalker. I also tried poorly to the person that I liked for fear of being discovered that I liked about him. Now I enjoy thinking that the guy really liked me, but do not approach me because I was bad xDD It was fun when I found out.
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