- Tu / s episode / s favorite / s. My masochistic vein
loves Mystery Spot and Heart. Also Home, Bad day at black rock, Jus in Bello, Monster Movie and Sex and Violence, and now unemployed. It'sa terrible life and also the pilot.
- Tu / s episode / s least favorite / s.
No exit, Malleus Maleficarum, Long-distance call and Family Remains.
- What character do you like least?
is easy: Bella (as everyone does not it?) And Uriel was supermalo with Sam.
- Your favorite quote of the series.
Puf. "Black Sabbath, Motor Head, Metallica? It's the greatest hits of the mullet rock." "Oh sweetheart. I do not do shorts." "I Have Been rehymenated." "I do. That Was for Our mom, you son of a bitch." CHTMLseason. After intense discussions have taken monologues Chachi but those looks before everyone died and came near the apocalypse is priceless. - Your theory on how the hell is going to end the series. I'm not theories, but a good end, I seem to end up on the road, being hunters, no family curses and the world for repair purposes. It is less for 10.
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