Happy New Year to all!
Meme end of the year:)
1. What did you do in 2010 that had not ever done before?
have a better average to 7.5. Only take a matter to December (although I did not take any second, but the last two years were brave) do not go in winter to Mar del Plata, send letters to a friend Bariloche (is special because it never Letters sent: D), LJ kept active all year, left the facebook, I made friends with people who have long ignored, I sat down to chat withfrankly this person is quite young to have had a child * rolleyes * but I'm not going to say much.
4. Someone close to you died?
No. 5. What countries have you visited? None
xD 6. What would you have in 2011 that did not have in 2010?
I do not know at this point I can not think of anything xD I had a great 2010.
7. What date from 2010 will remain etched in your memory, and why?
27 November. On my discharge from the secundMLXC I bent his arm, but nothing more xp I do not usually get sick very often, I have only migraine.
11. What has been the best thing you bought? My MP5
took it everywhere: D
12. "Whose behavior merited praise?
From my father who finally sold one of the three motorcycles, he painted and put on sale a department that told him a thousand that he did, he sat down to talk to my brother telling things as they were and fixed a problem I had with me a thousand: D
13. Does the behaviormp; aacute; s thoughtful, I think more before acting than before.
18. What would you have done more? Study
xD I could have taken better notes, but did a lot of the vague with friends in other years.
19. What would you have done less?
not have felt ridiculous, dissatisfied with my work ended up being the best on several occasions
20. How do you spend Christmas?
with my brothers.
21. How to rip & aacutso do look bad, but it went wrong xD
26. What was the best book you read?
Tunnel by Ernesto Sabato, who happened to read for school Oo is a surprise because usually I often send books to read bad Oo
28. What did you want and get it?
More freedom.
29. What did you want and do not get it?
Fixing a problem I had with a friend: S
30. What was your favorite movie this year? CHTM
Toy Story 3 LXC EVER.
31. What did you do on your birthday and few compliments?
I turned 17. Hang out with my friends and make like you never did (of which I regret, because the next day I had a hard -.-).
32. What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying? Passing
the year with good grades)
33. How would you describe your concept of fashion in 2010?
shoes, jeans and short sleeve shirts.
34. What